We had a very good turnout for the return to Belltopper, with all courses this year being set on the west side of Taradale Road. Set by our JWOC rep Lanita Steer, the courses challenged everyone and received great feedback. The terrain was mainly open spur-gully with some scattered rock and erosion gullies, and plenty of regrowth had sprung up in recent months to add another level of difficulty.
The event was the final selection race for the Victorian Schools team, which will travel to the Australian Schools Championships in Ballarat in September. Aspirants including DROC juniors Asha Steer and Sarah Davies were racing hard to secure their places on the team – and they have been successful! Asha was first overall on course 3, while Sarah was second on course 6. Our other placegetter was Peter Yeates on course 5 (but he is not eligible for junior selection!)
The event ran very smoothly thanks to the hardworking DROC team, and the JWOC Jam fundraising was a great success, with over 100 jars of jam sold! We’ll be able to provide funding to Lanita, Asha and Sarah as they represent us at National and State level.
Our next Sunday event will be at Hawkestowe Park, Plenty, on July 19. Meanwhile, follow Lanita at JWOC: http://www.jwoc2015.org/